Hiring! Seeking Virtual Assistant. Part-time job working remotely from home. You'll be driving Awareness of our Rentals by Advertising the...
If you understand what you are doing and you are sure, then proceed.
One time job
Perfect for the short-term and not complex job kind
Suitable for logo design, bug fixes, translation, data check, writing, and similar
Organized as a set of milestones
Recommended for a job that can be split into a checkpoints
Each milestone acts as a sub-task and has its status and an invoice
Suitable for an hourly job
Freelancer submits work time in a timesheet, and an invoices based on a logged time are to be calculated automatically (i.e. weekly)
Job work is invoiced
Freelancer will award job skills badges and a review
Invoice payments will be confirmed by a freelancer
Does not involve a payment
Freelancer will award the job skills badges
Suitable for a profession beginners, looking to gain experience