Job Expired

Hiring! Seeking Virtual Assistant. Part-time job working remotely from home. You'll be driving Awareness of our Rentals by Advertising the Properties for listing Online across Social Media Services and Housing Market Platforms.

°No Experience Needed

°No Age Restriction

°Flexible Work Schedule

°Free Training and Support Provided

°$850 Per Week

I'll be your guide during the listing. Dedicated and Committed workers will be rewarded with increase in Pay. Send a text so we get started

Job type Task
Budget $850.00
Experience Experienced
Job industry Real Estate
Job duration Up to 1 week
Posted ago 1 year
Payment method Any
Attachments None

4 Bids

Blogger , Ms word typing , content writer,
No reviews yet
1 year ago

Social Media handler.
No reviews yet
1 year ago

Author, content writer, typist.
No reviews yet
1 year ago

No reviews yet
1 year ago
Bids are closed


I would be looking forward to getting the Job and carrying it out diligently.
Amaiya Alish • 1 year ago
I want this job
Syeda Shiza • 1 year ago
Plz select me for this jobbb
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