How to Post Freelance Task – Complete Freelance Process

Are you new to freelancing on Jobatto? Wondering how to post a freelance task and complete the process? With just a little effort, you can easily post a freelance task and hire a matching freelancer on our awesome fee-free platform.

The first step to posting a freelance task is determining what task needs to be completed. It could be anything from writing an article to designing a website. Once you know the task, fill in all the details in the job ad. Freelancers who are qualified to complete the task will see the job and place their bids, or you can directly contact freelancers to bid on the job.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps on our platform for:

  1. Posting a new freelance job
  2. Interviewing job applicants
  3. Setting up the project
  4. Working on the project
  5. Completing the project
  6. Setting up reviews
  7. Creating an invoice

Let’s dive into the showcase sections!

Post New Job

To post a new job, the employer should begin by clicking the “Post New Job” button on the Jobs page.

Freelance job list page

Job Details, Step 1

The first step is to enter the job title and description. Select the job type and compensation that match the job. The employer can choose from various options, including freelance, unpaid internship, and more.

Job Details, Step 2

In the second step, the employer can provide additional details such as experience level, wage, required skills, ad duration, invoice timings for hourly jobs, payment method, and attachments.
Once all the necessary information is filled in, the employer can simply click on the “Publish Job” button to submit the job posting.

Job Posted

After successfully posting the job, it will appear on the Jobatto main page and also on the “My Jobs” page. The job ad allows for comments, which an employer can reply to if there are questions. Employers have the option to delete, deactivate, and edit the job ad as needed.

Job Bid Evaluation

After posting the job, freelancers who are qualified to complete the task will see the job and place their bids. The employer can then review the bids and check the freelancer’s profile before connecting with them. Once connected, the employer can chat with the freelancer to further discuss the project and decide whether to hire them.

Project Management

Once the employer hires a freelancer, a new project is created and managed through Jobatto. Projects can be created from an existing job ad or from scratch. If created from scratch, invoices are not publicly displayed, and there are no recommendations or job skill earnings for the freelancer.

Submit to Review

After the freelancer completes their task, such as creating a logo, they can submit it for review by clicking on the ‘Submit to Review’ button. Once the job author approves the work and marks the project as ‘Done’, the freelancer will earn job skill badges, an invoice will be created, and a recommendation request will be sent. It’s a great way to recognize and reward the freelancer’s efforts and quality of work.

Finished Job

The final step in this video is to check the freelancer and employer profiles to see how the job appears and which sections are affected by it.

Video Guide

Watch our informative YouTube video for a comprehensive demonstration of the Jobatto freelance flow, including the process of posting a task project and managing the entire hiring process.

Final Thoughts

We’ve just walked you through the process of posting a task job on Jobatto. We hope you found this guide helpful! If you’re looking for a fee-free freelance platform, visit Jobatto and sign up today.


