Job Expired

Content writer featured image

Orange Team Digital Services is looking for a freelance content writer to join our team and help us produce high-quality, engaging content for our clients.

The ideal writer has experience in writing web content and is able to produce content that is both informative and engaging. A variety of clients in different industries and their: content, including articles, blog posts, social media posts, product descriptions, and more. He/she should also be able to work within deadlines and be able to take feedback and direction well, and have responsibility for own work. If a digital services agency sounds interesting to you, apply, we would love to hear from you.

Job type Hourly job
Per Hour $6-15/h
Experience Junior
Employment time type Part Time
Job industry Advertising
Job duration Up to 1 month
Posted ago 1 year
Payment method Online Payment (Payoneer, Paypal, Skrill, Stripe, etc)
Attachments None

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