Job Expired

looking for someone to design a well deserving birthday invitation card for my wife's 70th.

Job type Task
Budget $400.00
Job industry Information Technology
Job duration Not Sure
Posted ago 7 months
Payment method Other
Attachments None

12 Bids

Professional Graphic Designer
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Eric Abidah โ€ข 7 months ago
I can do that in a better way
Tony Stark โ€ข 7 months ago
I can this job. Give me this job
Byaruhanga Posiano โ€ข 7 months ago
This is what I do best. I can take it on.
Anjanelle De Leon โ€ข 7 months ago
Hello! Maybe I can help!
Abubakar Mohammed โ€ข 7 months ago
The work i always wish to do give it to me
Kateryna Melnykova โ€ข 7 months ago
I can do the job, I have experience with invitation design, you can see it in my portfolio : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1U3-5mACiya0LPnYDNIIuXGDH-jEeQDiN , if my style suits you, we can start working
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